Spectromancer for android
Spectromancer for android

The game AI is surprisingly decent and can pose a nice and entertaining challenge at the higher difficulty levels, and Multiplayer works smoothly, complete with match making. But the cards are interesting and the game is very interactive, so those simple mechanics still allow for a deep gameplay that involves a lot of decision-making. The gameplay mechanics are extremely simple when compared to Magic: the Gathering, most experienced gamers should be able deduce all of them without needing to read the in-game manual. This may read like a turn-off at first to some, but it's actually what prevents the game from becoming stale - you must always be versatile and adapt to the cards that you're given for each match. One of the main points is that there is no deckbuilding: you have a semi-random pool of cards at each match, so it's kind of a Limited experience. One of the main points It showcases many of Richard Garfield's design philosophies, and is all around a very fun and interesting experience. It showcases many of Richard Garfield's design philosophies, and is all around a very fun and interesting experience. If you like card games, you cant do anything wrong with this game! 89/100 points, where the only downside would be dated graphics, a small community and no further developement. Still, it is very entertaining and motivating, never gets boring and combines lots of content for a small price. You will need to think several turns ahead and overthink many opportunities each turn, to become a good player and achieve a high ranking. And as simple as that may sound: this is one of the most demanding games i have ever played. After that, the turn ends, and each creature automatically attacks the opposing creature, or, if the opposing field is empty, the opponent. Each turn, a player gets one mana for each card block, and can use it to sumon a creature in one of 6 different fields, or cast a spell. At the start of the game, each player gets a deck of 20 random cards, 4 cards for each of 4 elements and 4 cards of a specific, chooseable class.


And above all that, the game is completely free of micro-transactions! I have played this game for years, many hundreds of hours, and still love to observe skilled players. Truly outstanding game, and in my personal oppinion, one of the best card games out there! A game that combines nice (yet simple) graphics Truly outstanding game, and in my personal oppinion, one of the best card games out there! A game that combines nice (yet simple) graphics and sounds with an extremely well idea, balancing, community, cost-benefit ratio and AI, and furthermore, is very well developed, extensive, bug free and perfectly balanced.

Spectromancer for android